Physical datacentre space for legacy systems
The Crown Hosting Data Centres framework is available to all central government departments, arm’s length bodies and the wider public sector.
Contact crownhosting@cabinetoffice.gov.uk to discuss datacentre hosting for your legacy systems.
The Crown Hosting service offers:
- mission-critical datacentres for legacy systems
- a secure environment for transition to the cloud
- a flexible, pay-for-what-you-use model
- power uptime availability that exceeds Tier III
- leading environmental performance
The framework benefits the government by offering:
- easy access to colocated, secure datacentres with no minimum volume commitment
- cost savings (because government demand for datacentre space is aggregated)
- time savings (because there’s no need to manage multiple supplier tenders)
- simple, transparent ‘pay-for-what-you-use’ pricing so usage can be scaled as required
- choice of duration commitments that can be ended early without charge
- volume rebates as volumes rise
- robust performance service-level agreements, including power uptime
- strong step-in rights for government to ensure continuity of service if required
Find out more about the Crown Hosting Data Centres framework.
‘points of interest’ "DATA sorter / processor " is offering agents and developers who want to have additional information on property details and websites. It was set up in 2013 then in late 2015 the company was awarded /confirmed supplier G-Cloud 7 supplier , which allows large data sets( which can be saved on the cloud servers relatively cheaply and securley ) generated by the pubic and owned by the public, to be sold back to you.
for the pleasure of this Licencing for the POI On-Demand service is based on a credit cache system from as little as £625 plus VAT. When data is downloaded it uses available credit and users can top-up their cache as often and as much as is needed. And, with Points of Interest data not included in the Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA), the On Demand portal is the most cost effective way for public sector bodies, and consultants working on their behalf, to easily access the data they - See more at: http://www.landmark.co.uk/news-archive/landmark-solutions-launches-points-interest-demand-web-portal#sthash.L1XvEptn.dpuf
The Point-X POI dataset is broken down by nine groups*, which includes 52 categories of data, which in turn are broken down into 620 classes of Points of Interests. As an example, a user is able to search through the 'Accommodation, Eating & Drink' group, access the 'Eating & Drinking' category, and search on all 'Restaurants' within a set geographical location. An alternative example is the 'Public Infrastructure' group, which includes the 'Infrastructure and Facilities' category, and search the 'Public Telephones' class to identify the number of public phones within a set area. - See more at: http://www.landmark.co.uk/news-archive/landmark-solutions-launches-points-interest-demand-web-portal#sthash.L1XvEptn.dpuf
API's including everything from cattle grids, letterboxes, bus stops and public conveniences, through to nightclubs, cash machines and fish and chip shops.
Small World
Mark Milner
CEO of dmgi::land&property emea & apac.
Education Charter House
He has held a variety of senior and Board roles across the digital and media sectors including CEO of Landmark Information Group, The Digital Property Group, which operated the websites Primelocation, Findaproperty.com and Globrix and consolidated with Zoopla in 2012 to create the Zoopla Property group. Mark has also worked in and with companies focussed on the digital motors, recruitment, dating and utility switching sectors as well as leading the commercial teams working on the digital variants of DMGT's newspaper titles including The Mail Online and Northcliffe Media.
Mark is also a Board member of EDR, a US based company which specialises in the provision of environmental and historic land use data.
data that does not have to be bought also public owned data, can be obtained via the freedom of information from
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information held by public authorities.
It does this in two ways:
- public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activities; and
- members of the public are entitled to request information from public authorities.
The Act covers any recorded information that is held by a public authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and by UK-wide public authorities based in Scotland. Information held by Scottish public authorities is covered by Scotland’s own Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
Public authorities include government departments, local authorities, the NHS, state schools and police forces. However, the Act does not necessarily cover every organisation that receives public money. For example, it does not cover some charities that receive grants and certain private sector organisations that perform public functions.
Recorded information includes printed documents, computer files, letters, emails, photographs, and sound or video recordings
Further Perusal..
zoopla.co.uk #ZPLA comes out fighting bucking the FTSE 250 Market
Investors eye growing number of online UK estate agents
Government urged to use Bitcoin-style digital ledgers, could help issue land registry property title deeds
Royal Bank of Scotland to settle on US mortgages within Weeks
Birmingham, Berlin and Hamburg are top of the property market as the capital is overtaken by cities such as Budapest and Istanbul
Bank of England's Carney says no timetable for rate rise , interest rates , buy-to-let
Euro Zone banking Oil price falls Iran sanctions lifted and Property Industry and Portals
Investment fund behind purplebricks.com acquire Property Developer operating in Ibiza
Competition and Markets Authority 2016 will be a very interesting year for CMA in all facets of competition within the property industry
Royal Bank of Scotland to settle on US mortgages within Weeks
The snow balling woes of CountryWide PLC high street estate agency
Prime Minister David Cameron pledges to transform sink estates @onthemarketblog
How BlockChain may solve fraud in Real Estate property industry
UK house prices rose 9.5% in 2015, says Halifax
More buy-to-let landlords searching for mortgages on cheaper properties + housing market shows no sign of slowing down winter months
Aldi Lidl shoppers won't jump ship to Tesco Ground Hog Day / Tesco wants its money back
buying letting renting property and homes, will never be the same again
New head of development joins leading online estate agency easy property + launching #CRE auctions
Bank of England volatility has extinguished any prospect of a rate rise in the near-future.on track for seven years of record low interest rates as global markets turmoil
Why UK Property Online Real Estate Agents really do have billon pound start up potential Says GOOGLE
Bowie predicted the internet of things which can be applied to property industry today
2016 year of Tech start Future is VERY BRIGHT from London to New York
Birmingham, Berlin and Hamburg are top of the property market as the capital is overtaken by cities such as Budapest and Istanbul
more Countrywide plc disruption as chairman leaves largest UK high street estate agency
Countrywide PLC UKs largest Real Estate
Agency - Alison Platt CEO Let The Battle Commence Online
UK's biggest estate agent Countrywide sees shares plunge 12% as shortage of properties for sale hits profits
why wallpapering over the cracks won't help, Country Wide PLC
countrywide PLC sees a direct threat from online real estate agents like for like
Investors eye growing number of online UK estate agents
Government urged to use Bitcoin-style digital ledgers, could help issue land registry property title deeds
Royal Bank of Scotland to settle on US mortgages within Weeks
Birmingham, Berlin and Hamburg are top of the property market as the capital is overtaken by cities such as Budapest and Istanbul
Bank of England's Carney says no timetable for rate rise , interest rates , buy-to-let
Euro Zone banking Oil price falls Iran sanctions lifted and Property Industry and Portals
Investment fund behind purplebricks.com acquire Property Developer operating in Ibiza
Competition and Markets Authority 2016 will be a very interesting year for CMA in all facets of competition within the property industry
Royal Bank of Scotland to settle on US mortgages within Weeks
The snow balling woes of CountryWide PLC high street estate agency
Prime Minister David Cameron pledges to transform sink estates @onthemarketblog
How BlockChain may solve fraud in Real Estate property industry
UK house prices rose 9.5% in 2015, says Halifax
More buy-to-let landlords searching for mortgages on cheaper properties + housing market shows no sign of slowing down winter months
Aldi Lidl shoppers won't jump ship to Tesco Ground Hog Day / Tesco wants its money back
buying letting renting property and homes, will never be the same again
New head of development joins leading online estate agency easy property + launching #CRE auctions
Bank of England volatility has extinguished any prospect of a rate rise in the near-future.on track for seven years of record low interest rates as global markets turmoil
Why UK Property Online Real Estate Agents really do have billon pound start up potential Says GOOGLE
Bowie predicted the internet of things which can be applied to property industry today
2016 year of Tech start Future is VERY BRIGHT from London to New York
Birmingham, Berlin and Hamburg are top of the property market as the capital is overtaken by cities such as Budapest and Istanbul
more Countrywide plc disruption as chairman leaves largest UK high street estate agency
Countrywide PLC UKs largest Real Estate
Agency - Alison Platt CEO Let The Battle Commence Online
UK's biggest estate agent Countrywide sees shares plunge 12% as shortage of properties for sale hits profits
why wallpapering over the cracks won't help, Country Wide PLC
countrywide PLC sees a direct threat from online real estate agents like for like
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